
Album Review: M83 - Saturdays = Youth

Electronic, Dream Pop, is how Wikipedia describes the music of the French band M83. I can't really explain it either, except that it is ethereal and ambient (although some songs have a rolling drum beat). It includes soft spoken lyrics over loud instruments and the heavy use of reverb. They remind me a bit like Air, a bit like Sigur Ros, and maybe at times like MGMT's more ethereal moments.

I am actually quite surprised that I like this album. It is ambient and very much indie sounding, I thought I'd probably find it a bore. However, it is a great album that sets you in a state of trance. And the more you listen to it the better it gets. Definitely one of the better albums I've listened to in a while.
Top Songs: Kim & Jessie; Skin of the Night; We Own the Sky
4.5 out of 5

For more M83 info and tour click here.

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