
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull

It's finally here. The long awaited fourth installment of Indiana Jones has arrived. Harrison Ford, Steven Speilberg, George Lucas, they've all returned, they even brought back Karen Allen.
Now, don't get too excited, this latest installement doesn't really live up to all it's hype. I did not hate this movie, to say the least. But I wasn't blown away by it either. Honestly, it felt a little weird this time. Maybe because it was set in the 1950s instead of the 30s or maybe it was Janusz Kaminski's stylized look of it (Douglas Slocombe was the cinematographer for the first three). However, one thing that I know I didn't care for was the over abundance of visual effects; gophers, monkeys? Come on.

On the plus side, I didn't mind Shia Labeouf at all, compared to some hardcore fans' diss. And I also liked Cate Blanchett as the Russian nemesis.

Overall, it was an alright film. It might be one of those films that over time, will get better. I can't help but wonder what Frank Darabont's version of the script would have delivered. As for now I'm very complacent with my feelings on this adventure. And I'll be nice with my rating.

3 out of 5

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